Professor of Neuroscience, Cambridge University unveils ANCIENT health hack for Men over 30.


In order to reproduce, you have not only to be fertile, you have to be sexy, you have to be competitive, you have to be aggressive, you have to be attractive.

Joe Herbert, Professor of Neuroscience, Cambridge University.

Joe Herbert is Emeritus Professor of Neuroscience, Cambridge University and a Fellow of Gonville and Caius College. His areas of expertise include the role of hormones in the ability of the adult brain to make new nerve cells (neurons) and repair the brain; how hormones regulate behavior; the neuroscience of stress; how hormones, genes and the social and psychological environment interact to promote the risk for depression; and studies on the way that hormones and genes influence financial decision-making.

In this video, he explains the far-reaching influence of testosterone, in our bodies and brains, in our behavior, and in society.

In particular, he details how important Testosterone is for men, and how it impacts every aspect of being a man including how it influences men’s core biological goal, to reproduce.

He explains how Testosterone does “One thing, and one thing only, it causes males to be able to reproduce”.

But the complexity of Testosterone, means it influences all factors that affect males ability to reproduce including attracting a female. In order to do this, males must be at peak performance in all aspects of their selves.

  • Physical Appearance
  • Physical Fitness
  • Energy Levels
  • Cognitive Function
  • Libido
  • Performance
  • Stamina

Basically, Testosterone, significantly influences attractiveness to women. This hormone controls the motivation to mate in humans and other primates. Men with higher testosterone levels experience a greater sexual appetite, better endurance, and often have a healthier, more athletic physique, which can be attractive traits.

Studies indicate that women generally find men with masculine features, dominant characteristics, and higher social presence more attractive. These traits are typically associated with high testosterone levels. Interestingly, women’s attraction to such traits peaks during their ovulation phase, suggesting a biological inclination towards potential partners with signs of good genetic health.

Additionally, high testosterone levels in men can enhance their scent through the release of androstenone, making them more appealing to women. This has been linked to increased social and romantic interactions, including dating and physical affection.

In summary, testosterone plays a critical role in determining male attractiveness from both a physical and behavioral perspective, influencing traits often associated with the concept of an “Alpha male” in popular culture.

Did You Know?

On average, the Testosterone levels of men decline by 1% per year after the age of 30?

This hormonal change impacts more than just the sexual function; it has far-reaching consequences on various aspects of a man’s physiological, psychological, and overall well-being.

And due to the nature of Testosterone, the decline correlates to Men’s ability to attract females, in addition to their ability to stay fit and healthy, to succeed in Social environments, or progress in Work Environments.

This decline effects ALL MEN, through a number of hormonal and physical criteria, including:

Sexual Function: Testosterone is crucial for a man’s sex drive and performance. Lower levels often lead to decreased libido and erectile dysfunction. This reduction in sexual interest and capability can significantly impact a man’s quality of life and relationships.

Physical Health Changes: Men with declining testosterone may experience weight gain and the development of gynecomastia, which is the enlargement of breast tissue due to hormonal imbalances. These physical changes can affect self-esteem and body image​​. Additionally, there’s an increased risk of cardiac issues, especially heart attacks after age 50, possibly linked to associated symptoms like weight gain and lack of exercise​​. Hair loss, both on the scalp and body, can also occur due to lower testosterone levels.

Muscle and Bone Mass: Lower testosterone levels can lead to decreased muscle mass, even if a man maintains a regular exercise routine. This loss of muscle can affect physical strength and endurance​​. Moreover, testosterone plays a key role in bone mass production and strength. Its decline can lead to decreased bone density, making bones more vulnerable to fractures and increasing the risk of osteoporosis.

Mental and Emotional Health: Declining testosterone can result in fatigue, mood swings, irritability, and a lack of focus. These psychological effects can be compounded by the emotional aspects of aging and the realization of a decline in physical abilities and functions.

Chronic Inflammation: Low testosterone levels can exacerbate chronic inflammation, which is the body’s natural response to pain and injury. This can lead to a host of other health problems if not managed effectively.

Overall Health Status: The general decline in testosterone levels is linked to a broader deterioration in men’s health status, as observed in recent decades. Factors such as excessive weight, lifestyle choices, and environmental toxins contribute to this trend, signaling a need for a holistic approach to men’s health.

These effects underscore the importance of monitoring testosterone levels as men age, along with adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep to mitigate the impacts of this natural hormonal decline. Additionally, being aware of these changes can help men seek appropriate medical advice and treatment when necessary.

If you want to take back control of your Testosterone Levels, and ensure you are performing at max in all aspects of your life. Check out our article on:

The BEST Testosterone Boosters for increased energy, focus, and performance.

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this article are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. They are 100% natural Dietary Supplements and should not be considered as medical products. For any health-related advice or if you are experiencing symptoms, please consult a healthcare professional. Remember, natural supplements can complement but not replace professional medical advice.


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